Tournament Rules
K-State Ed Chartrand Memorial Tournament Rules: Revised March 12, 2022
Note: These rules are being modified for 2022 post covid, round robin schedule of 4 womens and 4 mens teams. The tournament will be governed under NIRSA Tournament Rules with the following modifications.
Home team: The home team is the first listed on the schedule. The home team must wear a light color and the away team must wear a dark color. All teams must have both light and dark colors available. If a uniform color conflict exists, in the determination of the head referee, the team in violation of uniform colors will forfeit the match.
Substitutions: Allowed only upon: yellow cards, injuries, goal kicks, and goals. Substitutions are also allowed on your throw-in and own corner kicks and if you substitute, the opposing team may substitute as well.
Game Balls: Game balls NOT provided by tournament. The home team is responsible for providing the game balls.
If two or more teams have the same number of tournament points, the tie will be broken by the following:
- Total points using format of 3 pts for wins, 1 pt for ties, 0 pts for loss, 1 point for a shutout
- Head to Head competition
- Goal differential ( goals scored minus goals allowed )
- Goals scored ( total of goals your team scored, higher total wins )
- Goals allowed ( total of goals your team allowed, lower total wins)
Game Length:
Tournament officials may alter game length and times if circumstances (weather or otherwise) dictate.
35 minute halves for all games – running clock – game clock will start right at game time. 10 minute half. No Overtimes
This time may be altered by mutual consent of both teams in consultation with game referees and Tournament Director. The Scoreboard is for fan convenience only.
The referee keeps the official time, the scoreboard is unofficial. If an opponent is not ready to play 5 minutes after the game clock is started, a forfeit win will be awarded to the opposing team.
Penalty Cards:
Red Cards: Any player receiving a red card during the course of the tournament will be ejected from the game immediately and may be asked to leave the vicinity of the playing field by the referee or tournament director. The red carded player may be ineligible for the team’s next game at the tournament director’s discretion, depending upon the director’s determination of the severity of the circumstances. The tournament director will also determine if the red carded player’s action warrants suspension from the tournament entirely.
Protests are NOT allowed. Any situation not explicitly covered by the rules will be resolved by the tournament director, Dennis Cook. All decisions made by the referee are final. A modified tournament format will be used if any of the games have to be postponed or cancelled due to circumstances out of our control.
Trophies for 1st and 2nd place, The Dennis Cook MVP awards and scholarships are awarded at the Saturday night party.
All teams receive a tourney shirt for each player. Champions also receive a premium champion shirt for winning.
Insurance and Medical Information:
The tournament does not provide any health care coverage for teams. All players play and compete at their own risk. There are no physicians or emergency care personnel staffing the tournament. Teams are urged to bring with them all necessary first aid supplies. In the event of a medical emergency, notify your referee at once and 911 may be called. If non-emergency medical treatment is needed, your team President or Captain was given printed instructions and the tournament table has information on the nearest medical facilities. In the event of injury, you and your team will have the primary responsibility of transporting injured players to a hospital.
We have made every attempt to hire professional trainers at both game venues, but we cannot guaranty accessibility. We try to have ice, extra water and first aid available but again, cannot guaranty availability. Concussion is a serious concern of everyone. Any player with a head injury should rest and be evaluated and teams should assign a member to watch them closely. In the event of any doubt, we encourage professional evaluation at a hospital.
Facilities and Weather
Do not make your own assumptions based on weather reports. There is no indoor backup facility, but games will play on the artificial turf. A revised and condensed schedule may be implemented in the event of weather-related field considerations. Tournament officials only will make this decision. Please be sure to check this website, at the tournament table and the Saturday evening part for any updates. Any decisions to terminate any game or games due to adverse weather, daylight availability or any other reason dictated by safety or economic necessity is strictly within the discretion of the tournament officials.
Please make sure that this information is provided in advance to all members of your team.